Monday 6 May 2013

Okay now this is a random post! recently i have been watching some of the good old Disney movies and think back to my childhood and okay I admit it I have developed a small obsession on this song and a itty witty bit of a crush on Li Shang :*
okay random post over! pleasy follow my blog I will follow back!

Tuesday 26 March 2013


Only two days of school left, until hell begins, Yes the Easter holidays. What, what's wrong with Easter!
Okay fair enough it's a break from school but honestly this is when all the hard work has to begin. Revision. Euurrgggg horrible word, but honestly all I can say is get it organised and get it done! I know it all may seem to get too much but honestly there is still time and hope.
Thank you so much for viewing my page to be honest I didn't expect any!
Love Lucy xxx

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Lately I have been doing so much and getting so wound up and stressed by little things we all just need to sit back and think will theses things even matter in a few years time, will I even remember them and that there are always things that will go right from things that seem to be going horribly wrong.

Sunday 3 March 2013


So here I go... A blog, not sure how to start but I'm just going to dive straight into this.
So basically I'm a 16 year old girl from Hertfordshire in England, I enjoy dance, photography and most things creative!
I enjoy reading Blogs such as Zoella and Sprinkleofglitter, who have been my inspiration to start this one!

In this blog I hope to talk about things I like, things I have bought/want and my experiences, I hope one day that at least one person would find interest in my blog even if not I think that if not it would be something nice for me to look back on.
The Awful quality photo below is a picture of my tumble (nevergiveitupp) just so you have more of an idea of what to expect from my Blog.
Lucy xxx